You can download Vinay Chalisa of Neem Karoli Baba from the buttons given below. This Vinay Chalisa is written by Prabhu Dayal Sharma and is very famous among devotees of Maharaj Ji.
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It’s belief that those who reads Vinay Chalisa of Neem Karoli Baba regularly, get lots of blessings from him.

“मैं हूँ बुद्धि मलीन अति, श्रद्धा भक्ति विहीन I
करूं विनय कछु आपकी, हौं सब ही विधि दीन II
जै जै नीब करौरी बाबा | कृपा करहु आवै सदभावा II
कैसे मैं तव स्तुति बखानूँ | नाम ग्राम कछु मैं नहिं जानूँ II
जापै कृपा दृष्टि तुम करहु | रोग शोक दुःख दारिद हरहु II
तुम्हरौ रूप लोग नहिं जानै I जापै कृपा करहु सोई भानैं II
करि दै अरपन सब तन मन धनIपावै सुक्ख अलौकिक सोई जन II
जै जै संत भक्त सुखदायक I रिद्द्धि सिद्धि सब सम्पति दायक ||
तुम ही विष्णु राम श्री कृष्णाI विचरत पूर्ण कारन हित तृष्णा II
जै जै जै जै श्री भगवंता I तुम हो साक्षात भगवंता II
कही विभीषण ने जो बानी I परम सत्य करि अब मैं मानी II
बिनु हरि कृपा मिलहिं नहिं संता Iसो करि कृपा करहिं दुःख अंत II
सोई भरोस मेरे उर आयो I जा दिन प्रभु दर्शन मैं पायो II
जो सुमिरै तुमको उर माहीं I ताकी विपति नष्ट हवे जाहीं II
जै जै जै गुरुदेव हमारे I सबहि भाँति हम भये तिहारे II
हम पर कृपा शीघ्र अब करहूं I परम शांति दे दुःख सब हरहूं II
रोग शोक दुःख सब मिट जावे I जपै राम रामहि को ध्यावें II
जा विधि होइ परम कल्याणा I सोई सोई आप देहु वारदाना II
सबहि भाँति हरि ही को पूजें I राग द्वेष द्वंदन सो जूझें II
करैं सदा संतन की सेवा I तुम सब विधि सब लायक देवा II
सब कछु दै हमको निस्तारो I भव सागर से पार उतारो II
मैं प्रभु शरण तिहारी आयो I सब पुण्यं को फल है पायो II
जै जै जै गुरुदेव तुम्हारी I बार बार जाऊं बलिहारी II
सर्वत्र सदा घर घर की जानो I रूखो सूखो ही नित खानों II
भेष वस्त्र हैं सादा ऐसे I जानेंनहिं कोउ साधू जैसे II
ऐसी है प्रभु रहनि तुम्हारी I वाणी कहौ रहस्यमय भारी II
नास्तिक हूँ आस्तिक हवे जावें I जब स्वामी चेटक दिखलावें II
सब ही धर्मनि के अनुयायी I तुम्हें मनावें शीश झुकाई II
नहिं कोउ स्वारथ नहिं कोउ इच्छाIवितरण कर देउ भक्तन भिक्षाII
केहि विधि प्रभु मैं तुम्हें मनाऊँ I जासों कृपा-प्रसाद तब पाऊँ II
साधु सुजन के तुम रखवारे I भक्तन के हौ सदा सहारे II
दुष्टऊ शरण आनि जब परई I पूरण इच्छा उनकी करई II
यह संतन करि सहज सुभाऊ I सुनि आश्चर्य करइ जनि काऊ II
ऐसी करहु आप अब दाया I निर्मल होइ जाइ मन और काया II
धर्म कर्म में रुचि होय जावै I जो जन नित तव स्तुति गावै II
आवें सद्गुन तापे भारी I सुख सम्पति सोई पावे सारी II
होइ तासु सब पूरन कामा Iअंत समय पावै विश्रामा II
चारि पदारथ है जग माहीं I तव प्रसाद कछु दुर्लभ नाहीं II
त्राहि त्राहि मैं शरण तिहारी Iहरहु सकल मम विपदा भारी II
धन्य धन्य बड़ भाग्य हमारो I पावैं दरस परस तव न्यारो II
कर्महीन अरु बुद्धि विहीनाI तव प्रसाद कछु वर्णन कीना II
श्रद्धा के ये पुष्प कछु, चरनन धरे सम्हार I
कृपा-सिन्धु गुरुदेव तुम, करि लीजै स्वीकार II

Lord, I am ignorant and lack faith and devotion.
I don’t know how to pray to you. Still, I humbly offer this prayer.
Glory, glory Neem Karoli Baba, please purify my heart with your grace.
How can I sing your praises when I don’t know anything about you?
Just a glance of your grace is enough to remove disease, grief, and suffering.
It is only by your grace that one can come to know you.
Just to see and touch you, Lord, Is enough to fill one’s heart and home with happiness and prosperity
Glory to you, bestower of happiness to saints and devotees, giver of all kinds of abilities and wealth.
You are Vishnu, you are Rama, you are Krishna. You wander about satisfying the needs of those you meet.
Again and again I sang “Glory to you God”. You are Hanuman incarnate.
Now I accept what Vibhisana said as supreme truth:
“No one can meet a saint without God’s grace, and with that grace comes the end of suffering.”
I realized this in my heart the first day I saw you.
The troubles of those who fill their hearts with you are destroyed.
Glory to you my beloved Gurudev. I am yours in every way.
Please bless me soon. Let me feel that great peace that destroys suffering.
Please wipe out sickness, grief, and suffering and let me continually repeat the name of Ram.
Whatever way I may attain supreme salvation, please bless me with that boon.
In every way may I worship Hari and be free from hatred, jealousy, and the confusion of dualities.
May I always serve the saints. Lord, you can grant everything in all respects.
Please give me everything so I may be saved from this ocean of birth and death.
The fruit of all my past good deeds is refuge in you.
Glory to you beloved Gurudev. Again and again I offer my all to you.
At all times you are aware of everything everywhere. Your daily food is very simple.
Your appearance and dress is so simple that no one can know you as a sadhu.
Oh Lord, this is your way of living; your every word has deep meaning.
You turn non-believers into believers when you give them an awakening warning.
Followers of all religions bow their heads to you.
Totally free of selfishness and free of desire, you wander about fulfilling the desires of devotees.
Oh Lord, how can I pray to you and earn the prasad of your grace?
You are the protector of sadhus and good people. You are ever a support to devotees.
You even fulfill the desires of wicked people when they take refuge in you.
Why should anyone be surprised by this? It is simply the nature of a true saint.
So please now have that kind of compassion on me and purify my mind and heart.
Whoever sings your glory daily is attracted to righteousness and good deeds.
They are blessed with the virtues and achieve all happiness and wealth.
All their desires are fulfilled and in the end they attain peace.
The four fruits of life are easy to obtain with your grace.
Save me, save me. You are my refuge. Remove all my troubles and suffering.
It is the greatest blessing to have even seen or touched your wonderful form.
I have performed no good deeds and empty void of intelligence; it is only by your grace that I can even speak of you.
I gently place these few flowers of faith at your feet. Ocean of Grace, my dearest Guru and Lord, please accept them.
Hope you loved the Chalisa of Neem Karoli Baba – Vinay Chalisa.